The girl I chose to make a quilt for will be turning 8 next month. She likes art, puppies, kittens and the color blue. So what do you think? Is this a quilt an 8 year old would like?
I tried not to make it too "babyish." I wanted to make something she wouldn't hate in a couple of years, but I also wanted it to appeal to her now, obviously. I managed to incorporate kittens, puppies and a good amount of blue. Remember this flannel? It ended up matching perfectly even though it might look a little "used." I'm just glad I found a use for it because I was thinking of tossing it!

Oh, so another new thing for me here: Hand-tying. I was too nervous to attempt quilting on my machine with that flannel back and admittedly kinda lazy as well, so I thought I'd try tying it with pieces of lime green yarn. I mean, 8-year-olds probably don't care about crinkly, quilty goodness, right? I figure this is more about the prints and the cuddle factor (which is all in that flannel back).

This ended up being just about 45" x 60" which, if I'm not mistsaken, is the minimum size for a quilt donated from this charity. Whew! Good size for a child to grow with though. I really hope she likes it...
P.S. I've already signed up to make another quilt for a little girl turning 3 in June. You should really take a look at the list and see if anyone calls out to you. I hope all of these kids end up with birthday quilts this year!